Pre-Column Applications 

Pre-column splitting is used for micro, capillary, and nano HPLC applications, where the flow from the pump is split from analytical flow rates down to microliter or nanoliter flows.  It is important to note that on a Pre-column Flow Splitter, the column itself serves as the low flow channel fluid resistor.  As a result, the different columns will provide different ranges of split flow.  With each Pre-column Flow Splitter we provide a table (see the sample Table -> Sample Table) listing the estimated split flows, for four typical sizes of columns, at each setting on the splitter.

For the most accurate Pre-column flow splitting, see the AS650 Automated Flow Splitter.


610 Series Adjustable Flow Splitter General Description

610 Series Adjustable Flow Splitter General Installation Instruction

610 Series Adjustable Flow Splitter Operation Instruction

610 Series Adjustable Flow Splitter Setting Low Split Flow Methods

610 Series Adjustable Flow Splitter Reading and Adjusting Setting Methods

610 Adjustable Flow Splitter Dimensions